What is Worship Like?

Our worship usually includes the following: 

The Confession of Sins - We confess to God that we have failed to live up to the perfect standards in his law, and we plead for his mercy.

The Announcement of Forgiveness - The pastor announces the forgiveness of sins won for us by the perfect life and innocent sufferings and death of Jesus, our Savior.

A Song of Praise - These songs of praise remind us of the wonderful things God has done for us, not the least of which is the salvation he gives through Christ.

Prayer of the Day - The Church brings her concerns and prayers to a loving Father in heaven, who has shown great mercy and promised to hear our cries for help.

Scripture Readings – The pastor reads three selections from the Bible. They usually include one selection from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament epistles (letters), and one from the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).

Sermon - The pastor offers instruction and encouragement in a sermon, usually based on one of the three readings. Expect to hear God’s guidance for dealing with the problems of life, along with the promises of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven through Jesus.

Response to the Word - We respond with offerings and prayers for the things God has promised us and for strength to do what he has asked.

Holy Communion – Currently we celebrate Holy Communion on every first and third Sunday of the month. Before communing, however, we ask our visitors to please speak with the pastor. 

Final Blessing - We hear one last assurance of God’s guidance and love.